Happy New Year!: New Laws For Vehicle Safety in 2013

laws1January 1st at the stroke of mid-night is when many laws take effect. 2013, is no different with new laws hitting the books.

WASHINGTON: By January 1, 2013, friction material manufacturers who do business in Washington state are required to submit a report on their use of copper, nickel, zinc, antimony and other metals. By 2015, all new inventory must be labeled saying if it complies with the law.

OHIO: Senate Bill 114 was some amendments on the vehicle code for window tinting and licensing. But, the bill outlawed handlebars that extend above the rider’s shoulders instead of just 15-inches above the seat. It is being called the “Anti-Ape” Hanger law.

FLORIDA: It is legal to flash to pass. Flashing your headlights to alert oncoming drivers that police are lurking on the roadside ahead will no longer be illegal in Florida, though a lawyer who has represented ticketed motorists says a new law legalizing the practice still has loopholes.

But no laws were passed this year making drivers more accountable for the condition of their vehicle brakes. It is a real shame, when you see just how many crashes and economic loses were due to some one not taking care of their vehicle.