Don’t Blame the Brakes! Blame the Crosswalk


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There is something wrong with the world when a crosswalk gets more attention than  a verified 100% brake failure.

The vehicle ran over a “stop for pedestrians in crosswalk” sign and struck Balog,  according to the police report. The brakes on the vehicle were checked and investigators found that the brake pedal went to the floor, but Capt. Ralph Harvey of the Athens Police Department said the brakes will probably be checked again for insurance and other purposes.-Athens Ohio Today

The brakes failed, even the driver admitted to the failure. While the police have not investigated what part failed, it is still 100% brake failure. Case closed… Not yet…

Despite the apparent motor vehicle malfunction, police and citizens say the crosswalks present a problem for both sides. -Athens Ohio Today

WHAT? Are you kidding me? Are they going to heap some of the blame on the crosswalk? That is like blaming your mother for a bad decision you made because she decide to give birth to you. It gets better…

I do think (the intersection) is dangerous,” said Molly Gurien, an Ohio University faculty member in the biology department. “Pedestrians just assume they can cross, but it’s bad for cars as well. They really need something that regulates the way (traffic) flows and that makes people look up.”-Athens Ohio Today


It all comes down to the “social contract” we all accept when we either drive or walk. As a driver in this contract I promise I will always drive in a manner that is safe and my vehicle will be maintained in a manner that it will put pedestrians or myself in danger. As a pedestrian, I understand that I will not not do anything stupid like not looking when I cross the street. To do anything else would be anti-social.

What about Ohio’s lack of vehicle inspections? When was the last time the driver had the brakes service? Maybe it was the overuse of de-icers on the roads that caused a brake line to fail. With so many questions, it is too soon to blame the crosswalk and the pedestrians who use it.

Read the full story at Athens Ohio Today